Thursday, 15 March 2012


I just found out that the college also has a Delicious Stack for art. 

Delicious is a site where people can make lists of links they like arranged in topics.  You don't have to log in to use it or anything, so keep an eye on it for anything interesting:

By the way, don't forget to tweet me @NPTCCameraCat if you find anything interesting for photography online.

Laters, alligators!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Alternative Processes

Hey!  I hear you guys have been using liquid light - that stuff's fun!

You should look at this website about alternative processes

I hope you're all getting on well with your exam projects; you should have loads of photos by now and working on some experimentation, too.

Monday, 5 March 2012

The old and the new

Miaw!  Yawn!  Sorry, I've been sleeping.  For the last few weeks.  Us cats like to sleep you know.

Anyway, I think some of you may find these interesting:

Rephotography - photographs of photographs

and someone doing the same with drawings

Also, have a play with this clever bit of technology

Click once on any bit of the picture to change the depth of field!  We live in the future, ladies and gentlemen.

Got to go now, that ball of wool won't tangle itself.